Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Battle scars. Literally not figuratively.

As I hope you read my last post I talked a little about my early delivery with Conner and how he was hospitalized for 21 days. I got an email shortly after I posted from my mom pointing out a major event that happened when he was less than 24 hours old! I'm kicking myself in the behind because how could I forget this- it was less than five years ago! But I guess I've had a lot happen in five years so cut me some slack (haha)!

So basically I was so ill I couldn't see my baby til he was almost 24 hours old- see with a c-section your bedridden for about 24 hours afterwards so had to be in a wheelchair to see him; and when I did boy was I in for a surprise. There I was seeing the smallest baby ever and while I was just too smitten with the tiny life I had created my husband notices a bandage around his leg. He got upset and asked what happened and boy does that make us still mad today. Apparently they had to do a central IV which I totally understand they needed this to save his life- but anyways they told us that our barely lifeless premature baby kicked out his IV causing whatever was going through to completely burn his skin. It is called and IV infiltrate burn and by definition it is when IV solution is leaked into the surrounding tissue. Basically whatever was going through the IV leaked and burned about a 2 inch circle right above his ankle. There we were looking at a tiny little baby who's head fit comfortably in the palm of my hand and now we didn't have just his health to worry about- now we had to think about the possibility that he might have a hard time walking. We had to apply burn medicine and wrap it for months which during those months we had to give him sponge baths to keep his leg dry. We also had a few visits with a Plastic surgeon hoping that his leg wouldn't be totally deformed. Sure enough he can run, he can jump and we make jokes that sometimes his bad ankle looks more normal than his other ankle! Haha !!
Clearly my child is and always be a fighter. Here he is with weeks to go til his 5th birthday and this kid has been through more than a lot for his age. He's my strong boy- he will succeed even with a battle scar.

I added picture below of when Conner was less than a week old with it bandaged and then a picture of his ankle today.

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