Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who would have thought I'd be here.

It's been almost a year since we were waiting to get Conner officially diagnosed. A year ago today I was counting down the days until our appointment with the psychologist. A year ago I was sitting at home bawling my eyes out every few hours because the stress of having a four year old who did not listen and a four month old colicky baby was hard. I never saw this for my future. A year ago I never wanted to leave the townhouse we were renting and look at us now, we own our house and I can't wait to get out and have new adventures. A year ago I was scared to introduce my child to strangers in fear that he wouldn't be accepted. Here I am a year later, here Conner is a year later. He is a brand new child who is working on bettering himself. A year later my son is finding his voice, he is starting to read because I taught him. He is finally starting to understand the toilet is not a monster. He is realizing he has a brother who will be around for the rest of his life.

A year ago I did not think I would get to where we are. I am so very thankful I'm finally getting recognized as a great mother, I'm thankful that my child is being accepted. Society sees that autism is not just a diagnosis. He is different, but that Is what makes him Conner.

We will take one day at a time. We will speak loudly. Like I always say, just because you do not have a voice, does not mean you have nothing to say.

Remembering what life was like before our official diagnosis is hard. It feels like it was so long ago but in reality we have barely made it to that one year mark. Conner I am so proud of you and I'm proud to call myself your mom. I long to hear you call me "mommy" but that will never stop me from being your voice.

Again I thank everyone for reading. We are only one year into this lifetime journey but I couldn't do this without y'all's positive energy!!

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