Friday, December 7, 2012

All I want for christmas.

Every parent dreams of spoiling their kids christmas morning and well I want nothing different. Sure there is a deeper meaning behind the holiday but to a kid they don't understand that too well. Now Conner is definitely different. Due to having ASD he doesn't really understand holiday and birthdays, with the exception of the past year.

It wasn't until recently that he was excited for Halloween and now he's excited for Christmas. He will run around our house wearing a Santa hat saying "ho ho ho" and I swear it's the cutest thing to watch!

The past few years have been financially hard on us and we haven't been able to make christmas extra special to enjoy. Also we haven't ever had a Christmas where we were in our own home! We always travelled back to our "motherstate" and spent it with family.we made the decision this year to stay here for the actual holiday and we will travel home for a few days when the husband and Conner are free. This has been the first year that I made sure Conner will get gifts from Santa that he's going to LOVE. Last year he received many gifts ( well I think he got about 20 different dinosaurs from my parents each wrapped individually) but because of family issues he unwrapped them spread out on at least 3 different occasions.

It will be different this year! I told my husband all I want for christmas is to see my babies happy and to see them get plenty of fun learning toys! And sure enough that's just what I have been able to do. I look forward to Christmas morning when Conner runs to the tree as his little brother waddles behind him to go open their gifts.

I know I've said this before but I will do my best to not let myself treat Conner different because he has autism. He is a five year old boy with a disorder but he is still a kid and he deserves the same as others. Now am I saying there won't be meltdowns when the unwrapping starts and Conner doesn't want his toy but he wants his brothers- I know that will happen but I think ill be able to manage.

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