I've always believed that five is a big age to turn. I remember my fifth birthday and as per my conversation with fiends everyone has seemed to agree with me.
Well sadly my child doesn't understand many simple tasks so for him to understand that it is his birthday- I wouldn't expect him to know what it means. So as my husband and I decided, we wanted to give him something to remember so that when he was older- we could say "hey son remember when we went to the big aquarium in Georgia, that was for your fifth birthday".
So what did we do, we packed up our SUV, told whatever friends that wanted to tag along that we were hitting the road for the weekend. It was a five hour drive but it was worth every minute on the road! We arrived around 12:30am and after a long drive my kids were WIRED so we decided that we would stay up to the time Conner was born to celebrate- so we of course had to fill conners sensory meters up by rough playing and letting him run around and bounce on beds. Sure he didn't understand what we meant when we kept saying happy birthday but honestly one day, I want him to know that his autism didn't stop us from celebrating. This past year has been rough since his diagnosis but why would I let that stop us from getting out!
So after a good nights sleep we hit the road, ten minutes later we were in the parking garage of the great Atlanta aquarium. I was very hesitant when we were unloading from the car and I decided we weren't going to take the stroller but I'm so glad we didn't! To be honest Conner was great! We had no meltdowns, he LOVED the dolphin show and he had a blast seeing all the fishes and whales, oh and the shark tunnel was the coolest thing to him!! It's shocking to say, but his baby brother was the cranky one out of he bunch! But regardless we all had a blast and I would surely do it again and again if I had the money!
We celebrated after the aquarium with cake and a stay at another nice hotel. In the morning we explored Athens and the campus to our favorite football team (go dawgs!) and Conner yet again surprised us all.
I wish our family was here to enjoy this vacation with us, but for what it's worth I know that they are glad we got out and did something fun!
As for my lovely parents their saying was wish we were there but our gift will surely make up for our absence. It sure did! Of course I'd rather be surrounded by my family then get an expense gift, but my lovely parents bought Conner an iPad. Spoiled? Nope! This iPad isn't just for pleasure- it's actually one of the best therapy tools!! Ill be sure to keep you updated on the learning apps were using and also how it's such an awesome tool!
Enjoy a few photos- with many many more to come!
Sound like your weekend was more fun than turning a hot tub purple.